3. Essential Oils for Travel Sickness and Digestive Problems
There may be many times we suffer with tummy problems during our summer holidays. We may suffer from travel sickness on
planes, boats, buses, coaches or in taxis. We may have digestive issues from eating food that our bodies are not used to
eating, from drinking local water or ice cubes, or by having food that is poorly prepared, inadequately stored or just
not cooked properly. Many Essential Oils are good for travel sickness and our digestion – here are a few:
Ginger (Zingiber Officinalis)
Ginger Essential Oil is fabulous for our Digestive System. It is carminative, anti-inflammatory, stomachic and
antispasmodic, as well as being a good pain reliever. It is warming too, and really helps with diarrhoea and
constipation, nausea and travel sickness. Safety Note: Do not use on babies or children, as it is too stimulating.